A Step by Step Guide on Managing Anxiety, and Feeling Calm
Do you constantly feel anxious and stressed and out of control? Do you find your thoughts race round and round in your head and get you thinking about future worst case outcomes?
I hear you. Anxiety can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone in your experience of anxiety.
Here are several techniques you can use that may help you to manage your anxiety and feel a greater sense of ease and calm in the moment.
Deep Breathing:
Slow your breathing down.
Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 4, hold it for 4, then breathe out through your mouth for a count of 6.
Repeat this a few times to help calm your nervous system and redirect your attention back to the present moment.
Ground Yourself in the Present Moment
Anxiety often takes us into the future and out of the present moment. Try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, to help you come back into the now:
Notice 5 things you can see around you.
Touch 4 things you can feel.
Listen for 3 sounds you can hear.
Identify 2 things you can smell.
Think of 1 thing you can taste.
Name the Anxiety
Labelling what you’re feeling (e.g., “I feel nervous,” “I feel worried”) can often help reduce its intensity. When we label the anxiety and identify what may have caused us to feel anxious, it can help us to feel more in control and gain a sense of clarity over our experiences.
Write It Down
Jot down what’s making you anxious, what you’re feeling and any anxious thoughts that come up for you. Observing this information on paper may help you to process your emotions and thoughts better, and make them feel less overwhelming and out of control.
Take a Small Action
If your anxiety is tied to a specific issue/problem, think of one small, achievable step you can take to address it. If worry does not lead to present moment action, it is often unhelpful and needs to be let go. For example, if you are worried about being late for work, set off for work a little earlier to increase the likelihood of you getting to work on time.
Seek Professional Support
If your anxiety and worry is persistent, and is interfering with your life, consider seeking support from a qualified therapist/psychologist who can provide you with the necessary psychoeducation and skills, tailored to your situation, to help you to manage your anxiety and worry, and restore greater calm.
The content on this page is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for personalised, psychological advice and/or therapy. If you have a mental health concern, you are advised to seek individual support/therapy from a mental health professional. If you would like to know more about online therapy at Restorative Space, please reach out by making an inquiry through our Get in Touch page, or you could alternatively, make an initial appointment using the online booking system.